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Motivation & Inspirational  

Sunset in the Golden Gate by E. Hutchinson

No other Hand than His who Rules on high,

Could wield the brush and spread such bright away

Upon the outstretched canvas of the sky,

Then draw the curtain of departing day

Photograph by Pexel #1591882

Sunset by Paul Laurence Dunbar

Across the heaven’s graying space,

Low murmurs reach one from the town,

As Day puts on her sombre crown,

And shakes her mantle darkly down                                 

Photograph by 771-883

Power to Pivot   July 15, 2021  Virtual Workshop 

Guest Speaker

              Dan Graziosi:
You Gotta Be Hungry
to gain the knowledge and take the action
         Impact to go faster 
To get there-new capabilities,               
 Start selling your dream,
God Gave It to You Learn from the right people
         You have all the skills,
Shift our beliefs,
         Do you want to be the next generation of you? 
          Ask yourself:
What is the best possible outcome
from a year from now?
             Alice Prince:
I was studying wrong
It's practice
All by myself to get help 

Guest Speaker

             Louis Howes:
What is  in your life? 
       What goes well in your life?
Analyzing my experiences
      Ego is the place of fear
I gave myself a challenge
      I want to feel secure with myself
I created a skillset
     Write down my fear/ insecurities
Think about what makes me uncomfortable,
     That would be embarrassing to you
I gained a new skill-confidence
     You don't doubt yourself 
The mindset and beliefs-constantly do the fears

Guest Speaker

         Jesse Eker:
Pivot to change your life
         Action will change your life
Practice what you are doing
Impact in your life
          Impact your business
Every master was once a disaster
           I committed to stepping out, process, became doing it over
          and over again
I stop thinking about myself, it’s about you,to serve you, helping you,it’s about service
          The only way to go through it,is to go through it
It’s perfection but progression, make progress in what you are doing
         First you learn, take action, then progress, learn, do, progress, continue, and never give up   

Guest Speaker

               Jay Shetty:
Every point in time, we feel I am not in the right place,
        Best happens we feel that, the challenges exactly where you are              The skills, the experience,
the relationship to live your life                  and purpose
We normalize of what we cannot cross, but realize to build something stronger
          They build it out of to get to the other side and breathe a sigh of relief
They reach a new challenge that they have two choices:
Let go of the rift, go through it                    Realize that which is stopping us, block with our own obsession.    You are controlling it, it's tough to let it go
             I have moved and grown When your skills matches your passion
          Encourage to find the      courage to pivot
To become great
           If you love something you will dedicate yourself to it
Identify what you need to give up and what you can learn